baseBase URL to API requests
versionPackage version
versionPackage version
Gets the avatar URL for a blog
blog name or URL
sizeOrCallback: TumblrClientCallback | 16 | 24 | 30 | 40 | 48 | 64 | 96 | 128 | 512optional data sent with the request
maybeCallback: TumblrClientCallbackinvoked when the request completes
Promise if no callback is provided
Gets the drafts for a blog
blog name or URL
paramsOrCallback: TumblrClientCallback | { before_id?: number; filter?: PostFormatFilter }optional data sent with the request
callback: TumblrClientCallbackDeprecated Omit the callback and use the promise form
Promise if no callback is provided
Gets the followers for a blog
blog name or URL
paramsOrCallback: TumblrClientCallback | { limit?: number; offset?: number }optional data sent with the request
callback: TumblrClientCallbackDeprecated Omit the callback and use the promise form
Promise if no callback is provided
Gets information about a given blog
blog name or URL
paramsOrCallback: TumblrClientCallback | { "fields[blogs]"?: string }query parameters
callback: TumblrClientCallbackDeprecated Omit the callback and use the promise form
Promise if no callback is provided
Gets the likes for a blog
blog name or URL
paramsOrCallback: optional data sent with the request
callback: TumblrClientCallbackDeprecated Omit the callback and use the promise form
Promise if no callback is provided
Gets the queue for a blog
blog name or URL
paramsOrCallback: optional data sent with the request
callback: TumblrClientCallbackDeprecated Omit the callback and use the promise form
Promise if no callback is provided
Gets the submissions for a blog
blog name or URL
paramsOrCallback: TumblrClientCallback | { filter?: PostFormatFilter; offset?: number }optional data sent with the request
callback: TumblrClientCallbackDeprecated Omit the callback and use the promise form
Promise if no callback is provided
Creates a post on the given blog.
blog name or URL
callback: TumblrClientCallbackDeprecated Omit the callback and use the promise form
Promise if no callback is provided
Create or reblog an NPF post
blog name or URL
callback: TumblrClientCallbackDeprecated Omit the callback and use the promise form
Promise if no callback is provided
Deletes a given post
blog name or URL
Post ID to delete
callback: TumblrClientCallbackDeprecated Omit the callback and use the promise form
Promise if no callback is provided
Edits a given post
blog name or URL
callback: TumblrClientCallbackDeprecated Omit the callback and use the promise form
Promise if no callback is provided
Edit an NPF post
blog name or URL
Post ID
callback: TumblrClientCallbackDeprecated Omit the callback and use the promise form
Promise if no callback is provided
Follows a blog as the authenticating user
parameters sent with the request
callback: TumblrClientCallbackDeprecated Omit the callback and use the promise form
Promise if no callback is provided
Performs a GET request
URL path for the request
paramsOrCallback: Record<string, any> | TumblrClientCallbackquery parameters
callback: TumblrClientCallbackDeprecated Omit the callback and use the promise form
Promise if no callback is provided
Likes a post as the authenticating user
ID of post to like
Reblog key of post to like
callback: TumblrClientCallbackDeprecated Omit the callback and use the promise form
Promise if no callback is provided
Performs a POST request
URL path for the request
paramsOrCallback: Record<string, any> | TumblrClientCallbackOptional
callback: TumblrClientCallbackDeprecated Omit the callback and use the promise form
Promise if no callback was provided
Performs a PUT request
URL path for the request
paramsOrCallback: Record<string, any> | TumblrClientCallbackOptional
callback: TumblrClientCallbackDeprecated Omit the callback and use the promise form
Promise if no callback was provided
Reblogs a given post
blog name or URL
parameters sent with the request
callback: TumblrClientCallbackDeprecated Omit the callback and use the promise form
Promise if no callback is provided
Gets posts tagged with the specified tag
The tag on the posts you'd like to retrieve
paramsOrCallback: Record<string, any> | TumblrClientCallbackquery parameters
callback: TumblrClientCallbackDeprecated Omit the callback and use the promise form
Promise if no callback is provided
Unfollows a blog as the authenticating user
parameters sent with the request
callback: TumblrClientCallbackDeprecated Omit the callback and use the promise form
Promise if no callback is provided
Unlikes a post as the authenticating user
ID of post to like
Reblog key of post to like
callback: TumblrClientCallbackDeprecated Omit the callback and use the promise form
Promise if no callback is provided
Gets the dashboard posts for the authenticating user
paramsOrCallback: Record<string, any> | TumblrClientCallbackquery parameters
callback: TumblrClientCallbackDeprecated Omit the callback and use the promise form
Promise if no callback is provided
Gets the blogs the authenticating user follows
paramsOrCallback: TumblrClientCallback | { limit?: number; offset?: number }query parameters
callback: TumblrClientCallbackDeprecated Omit the callback and use the promise form
Promise if no callback is provided
Gets information about the authenticating user and their blogs
callback: TumblrClientCallbackDeprecated Omit the callback and use the promise form
Promise if no callback is provided
Gets the likes for the authenticating user
paramsOrCallback: query parameters
callback: TumblrClientCallbackDeprecated Omit the callback and use the promise form
Promise if no callback is provided
Creates a Tumblr API client using the given options