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com.tumblr.permissme - package com.tumblr.permissme
com.tumblr.permissme.utils - package com.tumblr.permissme.utils
config(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.tumblr.permissme.PermissMeConfig
Config method to setup the strings and color resources pertaining to PermissMe
createSettingsClickListener(Activity) - Static method in class com.tumblr.permissme.utils.PermissMeUtils
The onClickListener that takes you to the app's system settings screen
customAutoFailureMessage(String) - Method in class com.tumblr.permissme.PermissMe.Builder
Sets a custom message that will be shown upon auto-denied permission Snackbar.


destinationActivityAnim(int, int) - Method in class com.tumblr.permissme.PermissMe.Builder
Animation for the activity that will be started; not required


finishActivityUponResult() - Method in class com.tumblr.permissme.PermissMe.Builder
Finishes the caller activity upon the result of the permissions request


getDefaultCtaButtonMsg() - Method in class com.tumblr.permissme.PermissMeConfig
The string on the cta button of the Snackbar that will take the user to the app settings to toggle their permissions
getDefaultPermissionDeniedMsg() - Method in class com.tumblr.permissme.PermissMeConfig
The message that will show when a permission is auto-denied through the user checking "do not ask again" on the permission dialog
getDeniedPermissions(Context, String...) - Static method in class com.tumblr.permissme.utils.PermissMeUtils
Given a list of permissions, get all the permissions that are denied by the user.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.tumblr.permissme.PermissMeConfig
getSnackBarBgColorRes() - Method in class com.tumblr.permissme.PermissMeConfig
The resource id of the color that will be set as the background color of the permission auto-denied Snackbar
getTextColorRes() - Method in class com.tumblr.permissme.PermissMeConfig
The resource id of the color that will be set as the CTA button color on the permission denied Snackbar


hasCameraPermission(Context) - Static method in class com.tumblr.permissme.utils.PermissMeUtils
Common camera permission check.
hasReadWriteStoragePermission(Context) - Static method in class com.tumblr.permissme.utils.PermissMeUtils
Common READ/WRITE Storage Permission Check.


isAutoDeniedPermission(AppCompatActivity, String) - Static method in class com.tumblr.permissme.utils.PermissMeUtils
Checks if the permission is auto-denied, i.e.


launchActivityWithPermissions(Intent, Bundle) - Method in class com.tumblr.permissme.PermissMe.Builder
Launches the destination activity intent.The required/optional permissions queried are specified using PermissMe.Builder.setRequiredPermissions(String...) and PermissMe.Builder.setOptionalPermissions(String...) If the package already has the permissions granted, this will launch the destination intent using
launchActivityWithPermissions(Class, Bundle, Bundle) - Method in class com.tumblr.permissme.PermissMe.Builder
Launches the destination activity.The required/optional permissions queried are specified using PermissMe.Builder.setRequiredPermissions(String...) and PermissMe.Builder.setOptionalPermissions(String...) If the package already has the permissions granted, this will launch the destination activity class, and set the bundle as the bundle of the destinationAcitivity.
listener(PermissMe.PermissionListener) - Method in class com.tumblr.permissme.PermissMe.Builder
The PermissMe.PermissionListener that will provide callbacks when permissions are granted/denied.


needToRequestPermission(Context, String...) - Static method in class com.tumblr.permissme.utils.PermissMeUtils
Check if we already have access granted for this permission


onActivityResult(int, int, Intent) - Method in class com.tumblr.permissme.PermissMe
This helper fragment should not be handling any callbacks, there should be a target fragment set through the builder using PermissMe.Builder.targetFragment(Fragment).
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class com.tumblr.permissme.PermissMe
onDetach() - Method in class com.tumblr.permissme.PermissMe
onOptionalPermissionDenied(String[], boolean[]) - Method in interface com.tumblr.permissme.PermissMe.PermissionListener
The callback when optional permissions were ungranted.
onRequestPermissionsResult(int, String[], int[]) - Method in class com.tumblr.permissme.PermissMe
onRequiredPermissionDenied(String[], boolean[]) - Method in interface com.tumblr.permissme.PermissMe.PermissionListener
The callback when required permissions were ungranted
onSuccess() - Method in interface com.tumblr.permissme.PermissMe.PermissionListener
The callback when required permissions were granted by the user (does not guarantee optional permissions were granted.


PermissMe - Class in com.tumblr.permissme
The class that will handle requesting permissions if the app does not have a queried permission.
PermissMe() - Constructor for class com.tumblr.permissme.PermissMe
PermissMe.Builder - Class in com.tumblr.permissme
The Builder to make a permissions request.
PermissMe.Builder(AppCompatActivity) - Constructor for class com.tumblr.permissme.PermissMe.Builder
PermissMe.Builder(Fragment) - Constructor for class com.tumblr.permissme.PermissMe.Builder
PermissMe.PermissionListener - Interface in com.tumblr.permissme
Listener that can be used to receive a callback for the permission request made.
PermissMeConfig - Class in com.tumblr.permissme
Configuration singleton class that will setup your custom configuration of PermissMe permission denied messages and colors for the Snackbar Created by sumbul on 5/18/16.
PermissMeUtils - Class in com.tumblr.permissme.utils
Utils to help in common runtime permission related tasks introduced in AndroidM


requestCode(int) - Method in class com.tumblr.permissme.PermissMe.Builder
A request code if the destination activity specified in PermissMe.Builder.launchActivityWithPermissions(Class, Bundle, Bundle) needs to be launched to listen for result
runOnUiThread(Runnable) - Static method in class com.tumblr.permissme.utils.PermissMeUtils
Helper method to post a Runnable to the main thread


setOptionalPermissions(String...) - Method in class com.tumblr.permissme.PermissMe.Builder
Set the optional permissions to query; PermissMe.PermissionListener.onSuccess() will called even if optional permissions are NOT granted.
setRequiredPermissions(String...) - Method in class com.tumblr.permissme.PermissMe.Builder
Set the required permissions to query; PermissMe.PermissionListener.onSuccess() will be called iff the required permissions are granted.
showNoUIOnFailure() - Method in class com.tumblr.permissme.PermissMe.Builder
Indicates that we don't want to see the permission-denied UI when we get a auto-denied permissions.
showPermissionDeniedSnackbar(Activity, String) - Static method in class com.tumblr.permissme.utils.PermissMeUtils
Shows the snackbar which is used in the scenario where user auto-denied permissions before.
showSnackBar(View, String, int, String, View.OnClickListener) - Static method in class com.tumblr.permissme.utils.PermissMeUtils
Displays a SnackBar message.


targetFragment(Fragment) - Method in class com.tumblr.permissme.PermissMe.Builder
A target fragment that can be specified if PermissMe.Builder.requestCode(int) is specified to Fragment.startActivityForResult(Intent, int).


verifyPermissions() - Method in class com.tumblr.permissme.PermissMe.Builder
This method will start the permission check flow and query for the permissions set through PermissMe.Builder.setRequiredPermissions(String...) and PermissMe.Builder.setOptionalPermissions(String...)
verifyPermissions(int[]) - Static method in class com.tumblr.permissme.utils.PermissMeUtils
Check that all given permissions have been granted by verifying that each entry in the given array is of the value PermissionChecker.PERMISSION_GRANTED.


with(AppCompatActivity) - Static method in class com.tumblr.permissme.PermissMe
A constructor to start the flow of launching a destination activity class with permissions.
with(Fragment) - Static method in class com.tumblr.permissme.PermissMe
A constructor to start the flow of verifying permissions; set a PermissMe.PermissionListener to receive callbacks about the grant/deny status of the permissions when the user takes an action.