
Clients are used to open connections to external systems. Colossus currently has built-in support for Http, Memcached, and Redis. Similar to servers, you can add support for any protocol by implementing the necessary traits and typeclasses.

Client Behavior in a Nutshell

Clients are intended to be used for long-lived, pipelined connections. While it is certainly possible to configure clients to only send one request at a time or to open a new connection per request, since Colossus is primarily intended to build long-running services, so too are clients designed for persistent connections to a single host.

Clients are pipelined and will send multiple requests at once (up to the configured inFlightConcurrency limit, buffering once the limit is hit).

Connection Management

A Client attempts to open a connection as soon as it is created. Depending on how a client is configured, it will immediately accept requests to be sent and buffer them until the connection is established, so for the most part a Client’s connection management happens in the background.

Similar to server connections, calling disconnect on a client will cause it to immediately reject any new requests, but allow currently in-flight requests to complete (assuming they don’t timeout). Once a client has been manually disconnected, it cannot be reused.

If a client unexpectedly loses its connection, it will automatically attempt to reconnect. If/how a client reconnects can be controlled by its connectRetry configuration. During the reconnection, the client will still accept and buffer new requests (though this can be disabled by setting failFast to true).

Local vs Future Clients

When creating a client, it is up to you to choose how the client handles concurrency. In other words, you can choose whether a client uses Colossus Callbacks or standard Scala Futures, although the decision will usually depend on where you are trying to use the client.

Local clients can only be used in code that runs inside a Worker, in particular inside a Server or Task. Local clients are single-threaded and not thread-safe, but are very fast.

implicit val actorSystem = ActorSystem()
implicit val ioSystem = IOSystem()

HttpServer.start("example-server", 9000) {
  new Initializer(_) {

    val callbackClient = Http.client("", 80)

    override def onConnect = new RequestHandler(_) {
      override def handle: PartialHandler[Http] = {
        case request@Get on Root =>
          val request = HttpRequest.get("/")

On the other hand, Future clients can be created and used anywhere, and are thread-safe. In reality, a future client is just an interface that sends requests as actor messages to a local client running inside a worker. But this means that future clients are inherently slower and more resource intensive, since every request must be sent as an actor message and jump threads at least twice.

implicit val actorSystem = ActorSystem()
implicit val executionContext = actorSystem.dispatcher
implicit val ioSystem = IOSystem()

val futureClient = Http.futureClient("", 80)

val request = HttpRequest.get("/")

val futureResponse = futureClient.send(request)

Therefore these two rules may help when choosing what to use:

  • When opening a client within a service, use local clients. Usually you’ll want to open one client per worker.
  • When opening a client from outside a service, such as from inside an actor or some other general use case, use a future client.

Failure Management

Client Behavior

Failures can be broken down into two categories: Connection Failures and Request Failures. Regardless of which type, if a failure occurs the response is sent back as a failure and NOT retried. If failfast is enabled, then all queued requests in the ServiceClient are immediately failed and removed.

If a Request Failure occurs (example: service isn’t responding) the response is sent back as a failure and no subsequent action is taken.

If a Connection Failure occurs (example: connection is closed, host unavailable) the response is sent back as a failure and the retry policy (more below) takes effect.

Retrying Requests

To enable retries, the LoadBalancingClient (LBC) should be used. The LBC takes in a generator that builds a ServiceClient from an InetSocketAddress and a list of InetSocketAddresses. The LBC defaults to using an unused host for a request or the max retry number, whichever is lower. An example: if the retry count is set to four but there are only two hosts, it’ll only attempt a request twice.

Any failure occurring before the client receives the response (example: connection closed, host not responding) is treated as an attempt and is retried on the next connection. If the maximum number of tries are exhausted, a SendFailedException is returned with the last exception.


Below is an example of retrying three times to the same host

HttpServer.start("example-server", 9000) {
  new Initializer(_) {

    val generator = (address: InetSocketAddress) => {
      Redis.client(address.getHostName, address.getPort)

    val addresses = List.fill(3)(new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 6379))
    val loadBalancingRedisClients = new LoadBalancingClient[Redis](worker, generator, 3, addresses)
    val redisClient = Redis.client(loadBalancingRedisClients)

    override def onConnect = new RequestHandler(_) {
      override def handle: PartialHandler[Http] = {
        case request@Get on Root =>
          redisClient.append(ByteString("key"), ByteString("VALUE")).map {
            result => request.ok(s"Length of key is $result")

HTTP Example

Below is a simple Http Request example. When using an Http Call, a implicit workerRef is required when using the Callback interface. An implicit ClientCodecProvider is required.

HttpServer.start("example-server", 9000) {
  new Initializer(_) {

    val httpClient = Http.client("", 80)

    override def onConnect = new RequestHandler(_) {
      override def handle: PartialHandler[Http] = {
        case request@Get on Root =>
          val asyncResult = httpClient.send(HttpRequest.get("/#q=mysearch"))
 { response =>
            val body = response.body.bytes.utf8String

Memcached Example

Below is a simple memcached get example. It can be tested locally by starting up a memcached server and setting a value for the key of 1. The equivalent command would be “get 1” from a telnet session on 11211.
When using the memcached client an implicit workerRef is required when using the Callback interface. An implicit ClientCodeProvider is required.

HttpServer.start("example-server", 9000) {
  new Initializer(_) {

    val memcacheClient = Memcache.client("localhost", 11211)

    override def onConnect = new RequestHandler(_) {
      override def handle: PartialHandler[Http] = {
        case request@Get on Root =>
          val asyncResult = memcacheClient.get(ByteString("1"))
            case Some(reply) => request.ok(
            case None => request.notFound("")

Redis Example

Below is a simple redis get example. It can be tested locally by starting up a redis server and setting a value for the key of 1. When using the Redis client an implicit workerRef is required when using the Callback interface. An implicit ClientCodeProvider is required.

HttpServer.start("example-server", 9000) {
  new Initializer(_) {

    val redisClient = Redis.client("localhost", 6379)

    override def onConnect = new RequestHandler(_) {
      override def handle: PartialHandler[Http] = {

        case request@Get on Root / "get" / key => {
          val asyncResult = redisClient.get(ByteString("1"))
            case bytes => request.ok(bytes.utf8String)

Retry Policy

In the event of a Connection Failure, the service client uses a RetryPolicy for re-establishing connections. Each service client takes in a RetryPolicy on creation. The client defaults to an exponential backoff starting at 50 milliseconds and with a maximum of 5 seconds. The policy type can be either NoRetry or BackoffPolicy.

A Backoff retry policy contains a multiplier which can be:

  • Constant
  • Linear
  • Exponential

Generic clients

Notice that the concurrency type (Callback/Future) is encoded in the type of the client. The clients abstract over these two types with the Async typeclass. If you wish to write generic code that works with a client regardless of which concurrency type is used, simply pull in an Async implicitly and you’re good to go:

implicit val actorSystem = ActorSystem()
implicit val ioSystem = IOSystem()

def doTheThing[A[_]](client: HttpClient[A])(implicit async: Async[A]): A[String] = {"/"))) { response =>

// using future client
implicit val futureAsync = new FutureAsync()
implicit val executionContext = actorSystem.dispatcher
doTheThing(Http.futureClient("", 80)).map { string =>

HttpServer.start("example-server", 9000) {
  new Initializer(_) {
    val client = Http.client("", 80)

    override def onConnect = new RequestHandler(_) {
      override def handle: PartialHandler[Http] = {
        case request @ Get on Root =>

          // using callback client
          implicit val callbackAsync = CallbackAsync
          doTheThing(client).map {
            string => request.ok(string)

To do things even more generically, all clients extends the Sender[P,A] trait.